Free personality analysis of Custos.
Generated on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 20:13:18 +0000

Custos's Existing Situation

"In a very inactive and stationary condition, yet conflict and disagreements keep the wheels in the head constantly turning. Looking for fulfilling relationships which are affectionate and understanding, yet settles for less."

Custos's Stress Sources

"Always trying to make a good impression on others, but doubtful he is succeeding. Feels he has the right to everything he hopes and dreams of and becomes annoyed and helpless when things don't go his way. Is troubled by the very thought of failure which leaves him feeling miserable. Always sees himself as the victim as if everyone treats him poorly and he never is given his fair share. Feels his failures are no fault of his own, but due to the shortcomings of others."

Custos's Restrained Characteristics

Emotionally demanding and will involve himself in close relationships but won't get too involved or give too much of himself.

"Seeking to broaden his horizons and believes his hopes and dreams are realistic. Worries he may not be able to do the things he wants and needs to escape to a peaceful, quiet environment in order to restore his confidence."

Conceited and is easily insulted. Holds back emotionally but is able to find satisfaction through sexual activity.

Custos's Desired Objective

"Feels that nothing can upset him or phase him and is constantly trying to prove that to himself and others. Believes he is better than any weakness. As a result of his beliefs, he comes across as harsh or severe to those around him, with an overbearing and arrogant attitude."

Custos's Actual Problem

"Has been disappointed and let down, believes it is pointless to come up with new goals as they will most likely disappoint as well. Needs to be recognized and respected, but is worried about the future. Reacts by avoiding situations where he will be criticizes or others will attempt to influence him. Tries to take charge of the situation by controlling the details and strengthen his position. "

Custos's Actual Problem #2

"All energy has been used and he has none left to engage in anymore anxiety or demands. Feeling powerless to change the situation, leaving him frustrated, agitated, irritated, and annoyed with himself. Tries to escape by acting stubbornly sticking to his opinions, but his helplessness leads to some insecurities. Is very sensitive to criticism and easily offended."