Color Quiz - Results

Thank you for taking the Color Quiz! These results are provided as a fun way to examine your personality but even though the results are very accurate you should not consider them a diagnosis. See a doctor or psychologist for that!

Your Existing Situation

"Needs a peaceful and quiet environment. Desires an affectionate and faithful partner who will spoil him and treat him with importance. If he feels mistreated or a lack of attention, he may withdraw."

Your Stress Sources

Tries to hold back his normal enthusiastic and imaginative self in fear that he may get carried away by it and chase after unrealistic goals. Feels betrayed and used and is staying emotionally distant to keep others from hurting him more. His is distrusting and suspicious of the actions and intentions of other people.

Your Restrained Characteristics

Open and emotionally involved in relationships and easily finds satisfaction through sexual activity.

"Struggles to make his demands clear, but feels ignored. Feels resentful, but acts as if he doesn't care, doing what is necessary to keep peace."

"Struggles to make his demands clear, but feels ignored. Feels resentful, but acts as if he doesn't care, doing what is necessary to keep peace."

"Insists his hopes and ideas are realistic and achievable, but needs encouragement and support. His self-centeredness can cause him to take things too personally."

Open and emotionally involved in relationships and easily finds satisfaction through sexual activity.

Your Desired Objective

Is in need of immediate rest and relaxation. Longs for peace and a sense they are understood. Feels he has been treated unfairly which makes him angry. Cannot stand to stay in an environment in which he is treated unfairly and with no consideration for his feelings.

Your Actual Problem

Disappointed because his hopes have not come to pass and he fears coming up with new goals will only lead to further disappointment. These conflicting emotions lead to a feeling of anxiety and depression. He tries to escape into a peaceful and calm relationship which offers encouragement and protection from further disappointment.

Your Actual Problem #2

"Tends to be too trusting, so he must protect himself from this or he runs the risk of being misunderstood or used by others. Searching for a relationship which provides a safe and understanding environment, one where he knows exactly where he stands with his partner at all times."

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