Free personality analysis of Shengs.
Generated on Mon, 29 Apr 2024 03:28:31 +0000

Shengs's Existing Situation

Looking for excitement and adventure and anything new and far from ordinary. Is bored by routines and repetition.

Shengs's Stress Sources

"Seeks freedom and the chance to do as he wishes; avoids restrictions or things that try to hold him back. Feels an intense amount of pressure being put on him and would like a chance to escape in order to do the things he wants and needs to do for himself. However, he lacks the determination and motivation to escape and pursue his own personal gains."

Shengs's Restrained Characteristics

"His desire to avoid open conflict and tension forces him to put his desires on hold, even though he is feeling restrained and uneasy."

Current situations force him into compromise and placing his own hopes and desires on hold for the time being.

Current situations have left him feeling overwhelmed and tormented. Needs to avoid further activity or demands and concentrate on relaxing and becoming emotionally sound.

Is satisfied and finds contentment through sexual activity.

Shengs's Desired Objective

"Longs for tenderness and for a feeling of acceptance from a partner. Appreciates things that are beautiful, pleasing to the eye, and stylish."

Shengs's Actual Problem

"Tension and stress is brought on by trying to cope with conditions which are out of his control, using up all his strength and leaving him feeling inadequate. He wishes to escape into a more peaceful and problem-free environment, in which he will no longer have to assert himself or deal with so much pressure."

Shengs's Actual Problem #2

"Prefers to be left in peace and avoids arguments, confrontation, and conflicts."