Free personality analysis of shirleen.
Generated on Mon, 20 May 2024 19:34:02 +0000

shirleen's Existing Situation

"Needs a peaceful and quiet environment. Desires an affectionate and faithful partner who will spoil her and treat her with importance. If she feels mistreated or a lack of attention, she may withdraw."

shirleen's Stress Sources

"Unfulfilled hopes have left her feeling uncertain and even a little fearful about the future. Needs to feel secure and avoid further disappointment; fears she will be looked over, lose her position, or lose respect. Has little hope that things will get better in time and her negative attitude leads her to place impossible demands on others or to compromise or bargain."

shirleen's Restrained Characteristics

Open and emotionally involved in relationships and easily finds satisfaction through sexual activity.

"Current situation makes her feel unable to prove himself, but tries to make the best of things."

Is bothered when her needs and desires are misunderstood and she feels there is no one to turn to or rely on. Her self-centered attitude can cause her to be easily offended.

Is bothered when her needs and desires are misunderstood and she feels there is no one to turn to or rely on. Her self-centered attitude can cause her to be easily offended.

Open and emotionally involved in relationships and easily finds satisfaction through sexual activity.

shirleen's Desired Objective

Is in need of immediate rest and relaxation. Longs for peace and a sense they are understood. Feels she has been treated unfairly which makes her angry. Cannot stand to stay in an environment in which she is treated unfairly and with no consideration for her feelings.

shirleen's Actual Problem

Disappointed because her hopes have not come to pass and she fears coming up with new goals will only lead to further disappointment. These conflicting emotions lead to a feeling of anxiety and depression. she tries to escape into a peaceful and calm relationship which offers encouragement and protection from further disappointment.